Jersey in March

Weather in Jersey in March can be unpredictable. The highest tides of the year are in March and September, and the sea can be spectacular if there are high winds.

If the weather allows, walking can be good. Some organised guided walks take place, and it can be a good time of year to spot the Island's red squirrels, while there are fewer leaves on the trees. Birdwatchers may spot some of the many spring migrants to the Island, as well as the winter shorebirds which visit every year.

You will find a full programme of shows, concerts, films and art exhibitions during the month, and the very popular Winter Warmers Festival offers great value cuisine at many local restaurants.

Jersey in March sees a week of the Textile Showcase, with workshops, demos and exhibitions of the best contemporary textile art from the UK, France and the Channel Islands.

Some of the visitor attractions don't open until Easter, but others remain open all year, including Durrell, Eric Young Orchid Foundation, the Sand Wizard sand sculptures and Jersey Pottery. Mont Orgueil Castle opens on Saturdays.

A surprising number of watersports and outdoor activities are available in Jersey in March, including sea kayaking, kite surfing and scuba diving. You can go karting, book a fishing trip, spend an evening bowling, or try out blo-karting.

If Easter falls in March, check out the April section too, as the Easter events are listed there.

Find out more about red squirrels here.

Find out about theatre and cinema in Jersey here.

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