Jersey in April

Visiting Jersey in April? This is the month that the Island really starts to come back to life for the summer! Most atttractions open in time for Easter, and the Easter weekend itself is packed with things to do.

Both Durrell and the Lion Park hold Easter activities for young children - usually involving Easter egg hunts and various games and activities.

One of the biggest and most popular motorsport events of the year, the Bouley Bay Hillclimb, takes place on Easter Monday, followed later in the month by sprints for cars and motorbikes.

Also on Easter Monday is the first horse racing event of the year at Les Landes racecourse.

The Jersey Farm and craft market at St Aubin restarts in April.

Look for the sign board outside the Parish Hall in St Aubins for the dates.

There are many organised walks, and the summer programme of open gardens begins.

There is a weekly opportunity to book a skydive - either tandem for first-timers, or solo for those with experience.

Return to the top of Jersey in April.


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